Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chapter 1, We Got Him

I've started posting the chapters of Resolution 786. I'll post each successive chapter roughly every 3 or 4 days. Here's Chapter 1:

“The Lord has been captured and is in our custody. He is in a secure location awaiting his trial for crimes against humanity,” read the global public release statement. Adam Hueghlomm, the prosecuting attorney, stared at the Lord in his cell, a plain looking middle-aged Caucasian man with an air of resignation and just a hint of sadness.

“I promise a fair trial,” said Hueghlomm. “I’m reviewing your five-count indictment to tally the specific charges. You’ll be given every opportunity to defend yourself. You have right to counsel. You may make a motion to disqualify me as your prosecuting attorney. I assure you that I will follow procedure, with reverence for and adherence to the rule of law.” Hueghlomm stopped to gauge the reaction of the accused, to see whether his words were being acknowledged.

Stone silence.

Hueghlomm turned to walk away.

“Six millennia!” the Lord shouted at his back. “Six millennia,” quieter now, speaking half to himself and half to Hueghlomm. “I’ve been watching you stumble about, whining, crying, killing, shifting blame and belching abuse on earth’s bounty. You spoiled, demented, half-baked irreverent child. You wouldn’t know what to do with great opportunity if she stood naked before you. God help you if true adversity ever visited you.” He stopped and looked down. Then a faint smile appeared on his face and his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Is the Fallen One available?”

“What do you mean?” said Hueghlomm.

“You said that I have right to counsel. Is the Fallen One available?” said the Lord.

“Stop playing games. There is no Fallen One.”

“You are telling me to stop playing games! Not only a lawyer, but a comedian too. How multi-faceted. Your mother must be proud.”

“My mother’s with you,” said Hueghlomm.

“Don’t bet on it.”

More stone silence. Hueghlomm and the Lord stared at each other. Hueghlomm was short, a little over five and a half feet tall with a stocky torso and thin legs. His round, light brown face brimmed with character, somewhat attractive, although not at all classically handsome. A prominent nose held up a pair of thin-framed glasses with circular lenses. His black hair was parted on the side and cut over his small ears, framing a set of dark brown eyes that conveyed a feminine kindness most times. When he fell into thought, those eyes ran a thousand miles away. Although in his early forties, less than a handful of grays had found their way into the hair around his temples. His smooth, soft face had no wrinkles. Taken together, his features often gave strangers the impression that “this is a pretty smart guy.”

Hueghlomm started to speak again, slower than before, deliberate words, maintaining a square fix on the Lord’s eyes. “Sir, you are under indictment and arrest for a number of serious crimes against humanity. You are accused of mass infanticide. You are accused of homophobic genocide. You are accused of felony animal cruelty. You are accused of violating Resolution 786 against societal leaders, against innocent women and children, and against unwitting animals, sir!”

“Am I, who am I? You’re shortsighted beyond your wildest imagination,” said the Lord, sitting back on the metal bench inside his cell, gently folding his arms across his chest.

Hueghlomm’s Cereb-Ear beeped. He gave it mental permission to sound.

“Chicken tonight, Sweetie?” Her playful voice ran through his inner ear.

“You mean for dinner?”

“No, stupid, I mean to choke.” She loved sarcasm, teasing. “You silly pervert.”

“Burgers,” he said.

“OK, but no cheese. Let’s not clog up your arteries any more than they already are, Mr. Limpy Dingy.”

“I need to go,” he said.

“Don’t get bent.” Her inflections were full of inside jokes. “Busy?”

“Yes.” He snapped his Cereb-Ear off.

“All well?” asked the Lord, looking at Hueghlomm. Hueghlomm didn’t reply. He felt that the Lord knew whom he had just spoken with. The Lord looked as if he knew that Hueghlomm knew and that he wanted Hueghlomm to know that he knew.

“It’s all in my mind,” Hueghlomm thought to himself. “He’s trying to get into my head.”

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