Monday, November 8, 2010

A Late Night Post

Falling Asleep

Scenes splash my mind's caves
Quiet moonlit rolling waves

Faces, feelings, promises, past
Bitter twilights of lovers last

Barren blue beach, not a sight
The landscape in my head this night


  1. I really loved this...makes me want to go to sleep and dream a thousand things.

  2. If someone ever discovers a way to quiet the mind for sleep, without pills, they're going to be rich. (I'm allergic to chamomile tea.)

    Such a wistful and melancholy collection of thoughts and feelings...they're beautiful.

  3. Thank you, Oddyoddyo13. Considering the visual beauty of your blog, I bet your dreams are even more beautiful.

  4. Dear Words Crafter - I've found that hard,exhausting physical work really helps me sleep. Yes, I was having another wistful, melancholy night. I have them more and more often the older I get, the more I realize how special each moment is and how many opportunities we have to make each present moment even more special.

  5. Excellent poem. I admire those who can create poetry. Also, nice to meet you Mohamed and thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. The name you picked has been added to my contest list.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  6. Excellent post, all the stronger for being written six days in the future...

  7. That's a beautiful poem. Sorry I'm just now getting over to your blog. It took me awhile to find it since your pic didn't link up to it.

    All better now. :)

  8. M.J. - Thanks! On your point about the future: you invented the saucer, so I know you understand both special and general relativity. The speed of light is the only constant in our omni-verse; both space and time are relative. Energy and matter are related by (you guessed it): the original and perennial constant, the speed of light squared. That's why G_d created light first in Genesis. She was throwing down the anchor around which all else exists. Nothing moves faster. And the conundrum of instantaneous gravitational effects evaporates when you understand that gravity is a warp of space induced by the presence of mass. The more mas, the greater the warp. So since everything is relative, yes, it is entirely possible for the above post to have been written six days in the future.

    Praying for peace on Tralfamadore,

    Mohamed :)

  9. PK,

    Thank you! I didn't know about the pic/link disconnect, but I'm glad you made it here. BTW, I saw that you latest post mentioned the 80s movie "Pretty in Pink." Confession - I'm old enough to remember it :)


  10. Thank you, Amin. I'm not at all surprised that a person who loves flowers also enjoys poetry.

  11. You won the contest Mohamed. Now I need to know, is Rama male or female. I found Rana with an 'n' in my character naming source book but not Rama with an 'm'. The other is female. I have a feeling just from the way Rama sounds that it is male, but I want to be absolutely sure. Thanks for participating and swing by to see how your choice was picked.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  12. Thanks, N.R.! I saw your post about the pick. I'll do a post about the contest later today with a link to your blog. Rama is a male Hindu god but I've seen the name used for women; case in point, one of this blog's followers (a woman) is named Rama Ananth. If you're more comfortable with Rana, you should go with that. Whichever one you choose, I can't wait to see how the character turns out in the final published manuscript!
